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Why to comply?

Small, medium-sized or even in particular corporation, companies should take seriously into account the challenges of the European Commission and to ensure that set out practical steps to avoid the ignoring the law, and comply with EU competition rules.

The professionalism and unique ability to understand the business from microeconomics and marketing perspective allow us to be highly successful in analyzing the specific circumstances of each case and to implement the best Compliance Programme tailored for each undertaking.

The first step is of course competition audit that will allow a first assessment of the company's risk level from competition law perspective.

Then, step by step, will be implemented other procedures of Compliance Programme that will drive the company into the "safe harbor".

antitrust compliance romania

Vassily Kandinsky, a lawyer turned in an artist

Competition Guidelines

Competition Training

Mock dawn raid

Liability under the competition law is often a matter of intent. Actions that are legal by themselves may be found illegal when accompanied by written or oral communications that reflect an intent to harm competition.

Therefore, it is important that employees use common sense and good judgment in their internal and external communications. Communications can be oral (including discussions at meetings, informal conversation, voice/ mail messages, and speeches) or written (including letters, e-mail messages, personal notes, memos, etc.).

Our Competition Guidelines will help you understand these differences and how to avoid infringement of  competition law by mistake.

Our expertise allow us to adapt our courses so that will aligns with your needs, expectations and


Our unique relationship with the business environment, combined with our economics and marketing knowledge, gives us an unrivaled interface with your interests in doing business in respect of competition rules.

Our leading individuals are ideally to set-up and develop timely and appropriate the most efficient competition training.

The officials of competition authorities  are empowered to:

  • enter any premises of undertakings;

  • examine books and other records related to the business;

  • take or obtain in any form copies of  such books or records;

  • seal any business premises to the extent necessary for the inspection;

  • ask any representative of undertaking for explanations on facts or documents relating to the subject matter and purpose of the inspection and to record the answers.

Our "first-aid kit" contains items that can make the difference and the mock dawn raid will be a beneficial and "memorable" experience.

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